This is a labor of love, sweat and tears. Ok…maybe a little blood shed when I blew my knee on my way to Montana…and the blood shed over decades of broken hearts and souls…but those are healing…because my practice is to stay in the present…and heal.

One of the most sacred texts in life is the story of each of our lives. We are the only ones that can write, re-write, edit and translate this text for the world to see. That is the bottom line of The Pine Pulpit; our sacred stories. As a survivor of a lifetime of trauma, I have learned that re-writing my narrative has been one of the most challenging and liberating experiences I could have experienced. I have developed The Pine Pulpit as a way to share my healing with you with the full intent of helping you in your healing as well. I follow my “Spirit’s Nudge” or as others call it, the “Still, small voice within.” That voice is enlightening, enthralling, scary and just plain right. That does not mean that I follow it in the way that it is always intended, however in the end when I sit and listen, I realize where the voice was leading me. To learn how to hear that voice and see that path that she/he is leading you on is the first step to healing ourselves. I am honored that you have joined me on this journey and my one desire in all of this is that I not stumble and fall in my leadership with you.



Pastor Pam Peterson

Pastor Pam Peterson



Keeping a dream alive isn’t cheap…or easy…we are not a non-profit yet, so your donations are not tax deductible. But…they are going to a good cause…a community of support and love.


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